Parkinsons Doctor Parkinsonism Treatment Iowa IA

Breakthrough Parkinson’s treatment a convenient flight from Iowa, IA! Dr. James Farley is a Parkinson’s specialist who has treated more than 5,100 patients. If you are suffering with Parkinson’s symptoms or Parkinsonians, get help now from the Parkinson’s Doctor who will help you get potentially life-changing results!

CREATING HealABILITY For Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

A Neurobiomedicine Functional Restoration Program

healABILITY: Preservation of health and wellness through the promotion of well-being prevention of disease, and promotion and support of the inherent or innate recuperative abilities of the body.


Dr. James Farley is a world renowned parkinson’s expert. He authored Creating healAbility for the Parkinson’s to help those looking for answers for their parkinson’s issues.


Cambridge Brain Sciences

Featured on BBC, CNN, National Geographic, Discovery Channel


Nationally Recognized Treatments

Some of Our Treatments & Technologies Seen On NIMI, PubMed, International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society, The Dr. Oz Show, Discovery Channel

Parkinson’s Doctor a Convenient Flight from Iowa

Parkinson’s Doctor near Iowa

Finding new approaches to the treatment of chronic issues and diseases such as treatment Parkinson’s Disease and the treatment of Parkinsonism is the goal of healABILITY as offered at the MFC Center for Health. Dr. James Farley is an expert treating patients with many types of conditions and is one of the best doctors for Parkinson’s disease. His approach is to find KEY connections between symptoms and the body as a whole. This unique approach is designed to create a happier and healthier person.

Parkinson’s Help a Convenient Flight from Iowa

Parkinson’s Help near Iowa

In 1995 Dr. James Farley founded the MFC Center for Health in order to help individuals with chronic conditions. He is a restorative medicine specialist with experience working with patients with:

  • Early Parkinson’s
  • Parkinson’s symptoms early
  • Early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
  • Symptoms of Parkinson’s
  • Symptom’s Parkinson’s
  • Early symptoms of Parkinson’s
  • Patients in Parkinsonism treatment
  • Patients in various Parkinson’s stages

He has consulted in cases involving over 5,000 patients and has provided treatment in over 225,000 cases.

Starting with a Bachelor of Arts degree at Ramapo College, he also received a Bachelor of Health Sciences from Park University. Then he achieved his Doctor of Chiropractic through New York Chiropractic College, having earned his degree with honors. His Masters of Science in Human Nutrition was awarded through the University of Bridgeport.

In addition, he is board certified in Integrative Medicine, and is a Member of the Endocrine Society, FOCIS, ANJC, IAFNR, IPMDS, IDSA, a Fellow of the American Institute of Stress, and a Diplomat of the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists and the American Clinical Board of Nutrition from 1996-2002. He is also certified for his office in peripheral neuropathy.

Parkinson’s Treatment a Convenient Flight from Iowa

Parkinson’s Treatment near Iowa

Parkinson’s disease symptoms can have a devastating effect on the human body and one’s relationships. Through healABILITY and new treatment for Parkinson’s, the MFC and Parkinson Center helps many people restore themselves to normal physiology.

Parkinson’s Specialist a Convenient Flight from Iowa, IA

Parkinson’s Specialist near Iowa, IA

Dr. Farley has extensive experience working with patients with neurological diseases like:

  • Patients in most Parkinson’s disease stages
  • Patients in Parkinson’s therapy
  • Patients on Parkinson disease medication

He and our team of specialists are here to work closely with you to develop the exact plan for your condition, lifestyle, and needs. We regularly work with individuals experiencing symptoms of Parkinson’s and the associated movement disorders that Parkinson’s causes.

Parkinsonian Doctor a Convenient Flight from Iowa, IA

Parkinsonian Doctor near Iowa, IA

If you have been to a neurologist doctor near Iowa and are still suffering with Parkinson’s disease symptoms, please contact Dr. Farley today for a free 15-minute call. The treatment of Parkinson’s disease you will receive will make complete sense.

Movement Disorder Treatment a Convenient Flight from Iowa

Movement Disorder Treatment near Iowa

The Mayo Clinic Defines Movement Disorders as:

The term “movement disorders” refers to a group of nervous system (neurological) conditions that cause abnormal increased movements, which may be voluntary or involuntary. Movement disorders can also cause reduced or slow movements.

Common types of movement disorders include: Citation 

Ataxia. This movement disorder affects the part of the brain that controls coordinated movement (cerebellum). Ataxia may cause uncoordinated or clumsy balance, speech or limb movements, and other symptoms. Ataxia signs and symptoms are often confused with signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease


Cervical dystonia. This condition causes long-lasting contractions (spasms) or intermittent contractions of the neck muscles, causing the neck to turn in different ways.

Chorea. Chorea is characterized by repetitive, brief, irregular, somewhat rapid, involuntary movements that typically involve the face, mouth, trunk and limbs.

Huntington’s disease. This is an inherited progressive, neurodegenerative disorder that causes uncontrolled movements (chorea), impaired cognitive abilities and psychiatric conditions. Some signs of huntington’s mimic signs of Parkinson’s.

Multiple system atrophy. This uncommon, progressive neurological disorder affects many brain systems. Multiple system atrophy causes a movement disorder, such as ataxia or Parkinsonism. It can also cause low blood pressure and impaired bladder function.

Myoclonus. This condition causes lightning-quick jerks of a muscle or a group of muscles.

Restless legs syndrome. This movement disorder causes unpleasant, abnormal feelings in the legs while relaxing or lying down, often relieved by movement.

Tardive dyskinesia. This neurological condition is caused by long-term use of certain drugs used to treat psychiatric conditions (neuroleptic drugs). Tardive dyskinesia causes repetitive and involuntary movements such as grimacing, eye blinking and other movements.

Dystonia. This condition involves sustained involuntary muscle contractions with twisting, repetitive movements. Dystonia may affect the entire body (generalized dystonia) or one part of the body (focal dystonia).

Functional movement disorder. This condition may resemble any of the movement disorders, but is not due to neurological disease.

Parkinson’s disease. This slowly progressive, neurodegenerative disorder causes tremor, stiffness (rigidity), slow decreased movement (bradykinesia) or imbalance. It may also cause other non-movement symptoms.

Parkinsonism. Parkinsonism describes a group of conditions that has symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s disease symptoms.

Progressive supranuclear palsy. This is a rare neurological disorder that causes problems with walking, balance and eye movements. It may resemble symptoms for Parkinson’s disease but is a distinct condition.

Tourette syndrome. This is a neurological condition that starts between childhood and teenage years and is associated with repetitive movements (motor tics) and vocal sounds (vocal tics).

Tremor. This movement disorder causes involuntary rhythmic shaking of parts of the body, such as the hands, head or other parts of the body. The most common type is essential tremor. Tremors are one of the early signs of Parkinson’s disease.

Wilson’s disease. This is a rare inherited disorder that causes excessive amounts of copper to build up in the body, causing neurological problems.

What is the best treatment for Parkinson’s disease?

According to the experts at the Mayo Clinic, there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease. There are many organizations such as the Michael J. Fox foundation started to find a cure for Michael J. Fox Parkinson’s funding research for a Parkinson’s cure. Currently, doctors specializing in Parkinson’s disease, such as renowned expert Dr. Fazzini, prescribe the best medicine for Parkinson’s disease symptom control as the best treatment for Parkinson’s disease.

Dr. Russell Blaylock, the renowned Neuro-Surgeon, states that the medication for Parkinson’s mainstay Parkinson’s treatment that most patients will receive will almost guarantee that they will get worse in 2-5 years, and it even appears that Parkinson’s medication speeds the deterioration!

What’s new in Parkinson’s treatment?

We don’t focus on how to cure Parkinson’s. We focus on how to address the early warning Signs of Parkinson’s disease such as tremors, loss of smell, trouble sleeping, stiffness walking, constipation, dizziness, poor posture, and poor appetite.

HealABILITY is a Neurobiomedicine Functional Restoration Program, based on pioneered research by Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Amy Myers in Functional Medicine, that identifies 8 root causes of neuro- degeneration and puts in place a custom treatment plan to prevent further decline and restore energy, movement, and other functions for patients in the Early stages of Parkinson’s disease to mid stage Parkinson’s .

Let Dr. Farley and his incredible staff help you find solutions and treatments that you didn’t know existed. Treatment for Parkinsons disease, and treatment of Parkinsonism are just some of the treatments we specialize in.

Please contact us today to see why Dr. James Farley is one the most sought out thyroid specialists and doctors specializing in Parkinson disease in the country. We look forward to answering any questions you have. We are here to help.

Dr. James Farley is the
author of the book,
Creating healABILITY for Parkinson’s.

Take the first step toward addressing your Parkinson’s symptoms by reading Dr. James Farley’s book, Creating healABILITY for Parkinson’s. Dr. Farley’s concept of having even one gear not working in your body can cause chronic conditions. Allow Dr. Farley to open up your thought process on how to improve your Parkinson’s symptoms and help you live a better quality of life..
Get Your Copy TODAY

91% of our patients surveyed experience positive results in 2-4 weeks if they qualify.

Find out what you have been missing and get the book now. Stop suffering, you deserve to feel better!
Fun Facts About Iowa
  • Capital: Des Moines
  • Year Founded: 1846
  • Major Cities: Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Sioux City, Waterloo
  • Borders: Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Millions USD: $152,436
  • Population: 2,926,324
  • Land Area (Sq Miles): 56,290
  • High Point (Feet): 1,670
  • Other Facts: Key Industries: Agriculture including corn, soybeans, hogs, oats, cattle, and dairy products, Heavy machinery, food processing, chemicals, banking, finance, and biotechnology; How Iowa got its name: The name comes from the Ioway, one of the Native American tribes that lived in the region. Iowa State Symbols: State Nickname: Hawkeye State; State Slogan: Life-Changing; Fields of Opportunity; State Motto: Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain; State flower: Wild Prairie Rose; State Bird: Eastern Goldfinch aka American Goldfinch; State Fish: Channel catfish; State Tree: Oak; State Mammal: NA; State Foods: Corn; Becoming a State: Date Admitted: Monday, December 28, 1846; Number Admitted: 29; Prior Name: Iowa Territory; Postal Abbreviation: IA; The Geography of Iowa: Total Size: 55,869 sq. miles (source: 2003 Census); Geographical Low Point: Mississippi River at 480 feet, located in the county/subdivision of Lee (source: U.S. Geological Survey); Geographical High Point: Hawkeye Point at 1,670 feet, located in the county/subdivision of Osceola (source: U.S. Geological Survey);Central Point: Located in Story County approx. 5 miles northeast of Ames (source: U.S. Geological Survey); Counties: 99 (source: National Association of Counties); Bodies of Water: Mississippi River, Missouri River, Des Moines River, Cedar River, Spirit Lake, West Okoboji Lake, Saylorville Lake, Lake Red Rock; Famous People: Johnny Carson – Talk show host; Buffalo Bill Cody – Cowboy, showman, and U.S. army scout; Herbert Hoover – The 31st President of the United States; Shawn Johnson – Olympic Gold Medal gymnast; Lolo Jones – Track and Field hurdler; Ashton Kutcher – Actor; Ann Landers – Advice columnist; Jerry Mathers – Played the Beaver on Leave it to Beaver; Glenn Miller – Songwriter and conductor; Kurt Warner – Professional football player; John Wayne – Actor; Elijah Wood – Actor; More Fun Facts: The Hawkeye State Nickname comes from the Iowan Native American, Chief Black Hawk.; Iowa played a key role in the Underground Railroad that rescued slaves from the South.; In 1907 Fred Maytag invented the clothes washing machine in Newton, Iowa.; Iowa produces 10% of the United States food supply.; The eastern and western borders of Iowa are entirely made of water. The Mississippi River forms the border to the east and the Missouri River to the west.; Burlington’s Snake Alley has been called the most crooked street in the world.; The largest Danish settlement in the US was in Elk Horn, Iowa. It is home to the Danish Immigrant Museum.; President Herbert Hoover was born in West Branch, Iowa. He was the first president born west of the Mississippi.; It is the only US state name that begins with two vowels.; Professional Sports Teams: There are no major Professional Sports Teams in Iowa.” Citation: Nelson, Ken. “United States Geography for Kids: Iowa .” Ducksters, Technological Solutions, Inc. (TSI),
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  • Set ID: United_States_State