Does Parkinson’s, Movement Disorders
or Tremors have you
stone cold scared?
Expand your Awareness, Make a Change Drugs not working, side effects killing you, don’t want to take drugs or worried about the long-term consequences? Contact Dr. Farley Now star_logos
Does Parkinson’s, Movement Disorders
or Tremors have you
stone cold scared?
Expand your Awareness, Make a Change Drugs not working, side effects killing you, don’t want to take drugs or worried about the long-term consequences? Read Creating healAbility Book now star_logos

CREATING HealABILITY For Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

A Neurobiomedicine Functional Restoration Program

healABILITY: Preservation of health and wellness through the promotion of well-being prevention of disease, and promotion and support of the inherent or innate recuperative abilities of the body.


Dr. James Farley is a world renowned parkinson’s expert. He authored Creating healAbility for the Parkinson’s to help those looking for answers for their parkinson’s issues.


Cambridge Brain Sciences

Featured on BBC, CNN, National Geographic, Discovery Channel


Nationally Recognized Treatments

Some of Our Treatments & Technologies Seen On NIMI, PubMed, International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society, The Dr. Oz Show, Discovery Channel

Dr. James Farley is the
author of the book,
Creating healABILITY for Parkinson’s.

Take the first step toward addressing your Parkinson’s symptoms by reading Dr. James Farley’s book, Creating healABILITY for Parkinson’s. Dr. Farley’s concept of having even one gear not working in your body can cause chronic conditions. Allow Dr. Farley to open up your thought process on how to improve your Parkinson’s symptoms and help you live a better quality of life..
Get Your Copy TODAY

Experience Parkinson’s Symptoms Relief

It is time to update & innovate your Parkinson’s symptoms relief with
Science. Safety. Results. Since 1995

91% of our patients surveyed experience positive results in 2-4 weeks if they qualify.

Find out what you have been missing and get the book now. Stop suffering, you deserve to feel better!

After three weeks my outlook is great. My tremors have significantly lightened,
and I feel like I have found that holistic approach to my health and well-being
that I knew was out there and I knew I needed.
I am optimistic that I will continue on this path
that I am an active participant in and restore my health.

– Donna T.

We usually see positive results in 2 to 4 weeks if you qualify. We do not guarantee results, but we expect results if you qualify and are compliant with the recommendations.


Patients Consulted




Books Written


Lives Improved

Hear What Patients Are Saying!

Many patients experience results after only a few treatments. Please read what some of them have to say

Donna T. Testimonial – Parkinsons

I found out about Dr. Farley’s office by searching online. I am now on my fourth week of treatment. I started noticing results throughout my second and third week of treatment. I no longer feel as tired as I used to. I have more energy to sustain me through a long active day. I can focus more on what I am doing. I also sleep better, feel more rested. I have a better work performance, and better interaction with my colleagues. I am more patient, especially in frustrating situations. I have more stamina to handle the day.

As an RN with many years of experience working in traditional medical settings, I was very discouraged by how the traditional medical system looked at my symptoms (tremors) and did little fact finding, but immediately prescribed medication to treat me. I knew there were more issues going on with my health that were causing my symptoms, but the traditional medical system seems to look at symptoms like mine and isolates one, rather than fact find and look at the patient as a whole. You only get one specialist at a time treating you and they rarely talk to one another. I needed a more holistic approach to my health, one in which I was an active partner and not just a spectator. Traditional medicine had failed me, and was lumping me into the chronic illness barrel without even trying to understand why my symptoms were getting worse.

After three weeks my outlook is great. My tremors have significantly lightened, and I feel like I have found that holistic approach to my health and well being that I knew was out there and I knew I needed. I am optimistic that I will continue on this path that I am an active participant in and restore my health.

I would recommend this office to others who are interested in a more well rounded focused approach to their health restoration. It is not an easy road to take, however, one must be committed to this approach but the benefit of better health is well worth it.

*Individual Results May Vary


*Individual Results May Vary


*Individual Results May Vary


*Individual Results May Vary


*Individual Results May Vary

The 8 Hidden Causes your doctor
will not tell you about your Parkinson’s Condition!

The word Parkinson’s can send a shiver down anyone’s spine with the impending fear of total neuro-degeneration and future disability, both mentally and physically. The real question is….do you even have Parkinson’s disease? Have you been told its Parkinsonian syndrome, multiple systems atrophy, essential tremor, or cerebellar ataxia? Or some other neurological problem? Either way, you need to find answers as to why your brain is deteriorating and degenerating so you can have a plan to stop this from worsening and possibly reverse some of these symptoms. Many Parkinson’s patients are diagnosed very late, when in fact early soft signs were apparent 10 to 30 years prior to the diagnosis.


Dr. Russell Blaylock, the renowned Neuro-Surgeon, states that the drug mainstay treatment that most patients will receive will almost guarantee they will get worse in 2-5 years, and it even appears to speed the deterioration! “Get worse” and “speed the deterioration”… doesnot sound like great odds. In our office we have identified 8 hidden root functional causes of trans-neuronal degeneration/brain degeneration that must be (and can be) accurately measured to get a proper root functional cause diagnosis. Once we have an accurate root functional cause diagnosis, we can then design a custom treatment plan aimed at getting you lasting resultsto prevent further decline and restore function for many patients that qualify.

Hidden Cause #1

Lack of activation- the brain needs physical stimulation (activation) from the body. Have you been checked for this? Most Parkinson’s patients report no!

Hidden Cause #2

Low oxygen or anemia. Our office finds that almost 90% of patients have mild to severe low oxygen and anemia they have never been tested for or treated for!

Hidden Cause #3

Stable blood sugar is a factor in all chronic diseases. Have you had glucose, HGAIC, LDH, BUN, Triglycerides and a detailed blood sugar questionnaire filled out? It would be rare for this to not be a problem for most Parkinson’s patients.

Hidden Cause #4

Liver Detoxification Issues- The liver detoxes 90% of all toxins. If you have a weak dysfunctional liver then this needs to be addressed.

Hidden Cause #5

Essential fatty acids and cholesterol levels. Good fats are needed for the brain. 25% of the total brain is made up of cholesterol. Are you taking statins to lower your cholesterol? If yes, this can be a root functional cause for you.

Hidden Cause #6

Low glutathione and SOD. These are extremely important at protecting your brain cells. If you have low levels of these,then future degeneration is a definite. You need to know this!

Hidden Cause #7

GI problems with or without symptoms. The GI houses 85% of the immune system. The immune system is a big big problem for 100% of Parkinson’s patients, because a sustained inflammatory response is critical to correct.

New Research Found on Movement Disorder Volume 35 / Issue 6 / June 2020. Click to view: Stopping Chronic Pain OR The Secrets to Stopping Chronic Pain.

Hidden Cause #8

Poor Methylation- This process requires that our bodies make enough methyl groups or CH3. Without these CH3 methylation groups our brains break down and can never get healthy.

It is critical that you find an up to date doctor to help you identify and correct all your root functional causes.


To simply not address these, and to instead treat only the symptoms, does not seem to work for most patients after 2 to 5 years, and you are likely even speeding up your neuro-degeneration and speeding your deterioration.


3 simple steps…


(1) proper testing, (2) proper root functional cause diagnosis, and (3) a proper treatment plan specific to you and not a PROTOCOL! Protocols do not work for 95% of PTs who will see continued deterioration and their lives slowly, but surely, slip away. Don’t let this happen!


Imagine you qualify, imagine this process stopped getting worse, and even imagine you got 25 to 100% improvement…how much better would your life be? The Neuro-Biomedicine approach we use is safe, comprehensive and scientific.

Dr. Naveed Ashfaq MD emphasizes
how powerful Dr. Farley’s methods
are and the impact they have.

Dr. Naveed Ashfaq MD, Fellow in the Royal College of Surgeons FRCS, Diploma in Hospital Management, President of Sterling Clinical Laboratory Inc.

Every patient, doctor and family member should be exploring this question. Sadly, few do! Instead, most stay stubbornly focused on the question of: Am I feeling better from my current treatment; they don’t look to find actual functional root causes.

That’s what Dr. Farley has done in Creating healABILITY and his approach to chronic problems.

Most patients simply treat each symptom as if it was a separate problem and never look for the interconnection and influence of one system problem on another system problem. They view each area as a separate island. Dr. Farley has worked long and hard at his knowledge and precision to which he applies to each and every patient. A new patient’s evaluation and testing is much more complete than most doctors.

His ability to explain a complex problem in an easy understandable concept, which is healABILITY, is fantastic for patients in helping them understand and get well.

In New Jersey Dr. Farley is among the top offices utilizing Sterling Laboratory (my lab) for documenting and tracking patients starting point, improvements and progress. The panels Dr. Farley orders have all been chosen by him to create a full insider look at many complex symptoms, conditions and systems. He regularly does follow up testing that demonstrates significant changes for most patients. Dr. Farley also has many patients return from the general practitioners, endocrinologists, cardiologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists and infectious disease doctors that are totally blown away by the changes he routinely produces with his methods of care.

Dr. Farley is the leading expert in finding which 30 root functional causes are primary for you.

My laboratory has never had anything but an extremely professional and proficient relationship with Dr. Farley and his staff. I believe that in the future more patients will seek care that is based on root functional causes rather than just managing symptoms.

Anyone who uses Dr. Farley today is getting insight, care and a dependable trusting doctor that should be the standard in doctoring across the United States and abroad.

I hope that patients can open their minds to understanding these concepts and not dismiss them because their doctor doesn’t know about them. This healABILITY approach is an old and new evidence scientific based approach that frankly most doctors have absolutely no training in. Dr. Farley’s office is run like a fine hotel that provides excellent customer service. So not only will you get exceptional care, but you’ll also be treated with a kind, warm and dependable staff. This book can aid anyone in getting insight into Dr. Farley’s method of functional physiological based approach that has the potential to really help almost any condition. There are 30 key hidden root functional causes. Dr. Farley will help find which one of these 30 root functional causes are most important to correct for you to get well. Each person is unique in their physiology and biochemistry. Dr. Farley is the leading expert in finding which 30 root functional causes are primary for you.


Dr. Abdul Qadir, MD – Pakistan, 1987, MBBS, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.

This is a testimonial from Dr. Qadir who runs the Clinlabs Laboratory blood work, and has been working with our office since 2012. Please see below for a information on Clinlabs.

1. The first question is, how does my testing, the expanded health panel, differ from other doctors offices?

Your panel is very extensive, and covers almost all the detail of chemistry and complete hematology, vitamins, and minerals. I haven’t seen such a detailed testing, especially in the diagnosis parkinson’s disorder. A lot of physicians use a holistic approach, but they do not include every marker which you have in the expanded panel.

2. How about the specialty tests that we run? What percentages of offices do you see running tests like that?

I’ve noticed in your office that you run a specialty test on almost every one of your patients. Compared to you, other physician’s hardly do any. So maybe 10 percent, or less of other physicians run these specialty tests..

3. You’ve also asked my patients that have gotten care here during follow up blood work how they’re doing because you want to know, can you share your experience in that?

Yes, I try to ask almost everyone because you do the first blood work before they start their treatment and then you do it again at the end or the beginning of their second cycle. Almost everyone said that they feel much better and also noticed the huge difference in lab reports between the 1st and 2nd blood work.

4. When you say almost everyone, give me a percentage.

I would say 95 percent. Almost 100 percent have mentioned that they have lost weight and they’ve regained energy. Their symptoms have much subsided. Even with being here for their parkinson’s or as a Hashimoto’s patient, they feel pretty energetic. All their symptoms have subsided. I’ve noticed lately that you have a big number of Parkinson’s patients, and almost everyone of them has said that their tremors has improved.

5. What percentage of people with Parkinson’s have told you that their tremors have improved?

Seventy percent.

6. Have you ever seen any other office doing the brain based care and the in office cellular energetic treatments that we do? Do you know anyone else putting that type of a program together?

No, I haven’t seen. No other physicians do what you do, that I know of.

7. If you wouldn’t mind comment on customer service and customer relations?

The customer service is excellent.

8. On a scale of one to 10, what would you give the customer service here?

Ten. I would highly recommend your Neuro-Biomedicine program. It is unique, scientific, and provides excellent results for most of the patients I’ve been in contact with.

Clinlab provides leading-edge medical laboratory tests and services.

Recognized for our innovation, quality, and customer convenience, Clinlab delivers timely, accurate results for improved patient care. Clinlab is a pioneer in applying advances in medicine and science to laboratory testing, with more than 12 years of experience in serving physicians and their patients. Our 2,000 clients include physician offices, hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and managed care organizations.

About ClinLab

Clinlab is a full service lab certified to perform any test that you might request. Our staff is fully qualified and certified. Our lab is OSHA compliant for a safe lab environment. Our fully certified lab is certified by CLIA and the Missouri Department of Health. Clinlab adheres to the guideline and protocols recommended by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB).

Understanding The Science Behind Neurobiomedicine and Our Approach to Helping You Restore Proper Function… To Ultimately Help You Feel Better, Look Better, and Recover Your Health.

Dr. Farley’s Neurobiomedicine Health System can easily be understood when applied to the science of Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine and Somatopsychic Medicine as described from the National Institutes of Health. Please to learn more about Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine, Somatopsychic Medicine. Allopathic Medicine and even Integrative Medicine asks, “What’s the diagnosis”. Neuro-Biomedicine asks, “Why you are personally having this happen?”, and, “What are your specific multifactorial causes?”

Most doctor’s offices rely on outdated protocols that are 17-20 years behind the basic scientific research. The reason for this is lack of initiative by most doctors, and for medical legal reasons, they will not deviate from typical protocols even when they are outdated and produce terrible results for patients. The focus is not on the individual patient and their unique requirements, instead, the patient is literally pushed from office to office with the goal to just move the responsibility to another doctor or office (usually patients are given more and more drugs, by more and more doctors). We do not treat any disease, instead we focus on your functional neuro-metabolic deficits. We will fight for you and your health! We will provide new possibilities and potential for greater healABILITY, greater depth of understanding, more compassionate listening, and ultimately, superior results aimed at restoring proper function. This, in turn, can have profound and positive improvements for the patients that qualify.